calendar>>September 2. 2015 Juche 104
Achievements Made in DPRK for Development of Education
Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- Signal achievements have been made in the DPRK to promote the nation's development of education.

Scientists in the field of higher and normal education produced a number of reference books, including "Education Science and Fresh Teaching Method" and "The Principles of Curricula Composition at Factory College". And 10-odd kinds of textbooks were rewritten in way of helping raise the students' practical abilities.

Similar scientific successes were also registered in the field of general education to improve the education content and method in keeping with the universal 12-year compulsory education system now in force.

They include the way of putting classrooms on a multi-functional basis, programming for simulation experiment on chemistry subject and new textbooks and references for kindergartens, primary schools and junior and senior secondary schools.

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