calendar>>September 2. 2015 Juche 104
S. Korean Media Introduces Former Unconverted Long-term Prisoners
Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The south Korean internet paper Thongil News on August 31 posted an article 15 years after the repatriation of former unconverted long-term prisoners.

September 2, 15 years ago 63 unconverted long-term prisoners were repatriated to the north through Panmunjom, the article said, and went on:

All the repatriated long-term prisoners received the National Reunification Prize and the title of the DPRK Hero.

Even though some of them passed away, they are praised as indomitable pro-reunification patriotic fighters who fought to the last, true to the revolutionary principle and sense of obligation, bravely meeting hardships in prison for several decades.

Some of the unconverted long-term prisoners got married in Pyongyang to enjoy a happy life. One of them had a daughter and Kim Jong Il, chairman of the National Defence Commission, named her "Chuk Bok".

Some of them received doctorates and they are waging dynamic social activities full of energy despite their advanced ages. The repatriation was a dramatic event which could have been impossible without the June 15 joint declaration.

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