calendar>>September 13. 2015 Juche 104
Three Charters of National Reunification Supported in Europe
Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- A meeting of the European region took place in Helsinki on Sep. 5 to mark the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation and 70 years since the U.S. occupation of south Korea.

Present at the meeting were delegates of the political parties and organizations of the European countries including Finland, Sweden, Denmark, France and Poland and figures of the Korean Friendship Association headquartered in Spain.

The participants laid bouquets before the portraits of smiling President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and paid tribute to them.

At the meeting, a report made by the chairman of the Finland-Korea Society was followed by speeches.

The reporter and speakers lauded the great leaders for their immortal exploits performed in founding the DPRK and strengthening and developing it.

They strongly urged the U.S. to withdraw its forces from south Korea and expressed full support and solidarity with the Korean people in their cause of national reunification.

A congratulatory message to supreme leader Kim Jong Un was adopted there.

A joint resolution was also adopted there.

The resolution said:

This year marks not only the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation but also 70 years since Korea's division due to the U.S. forces' occupation of south Korea.

Korea's division, the outcome of the imperialists' policy of aggression, has continued so long.

We appeal to all the progressive forces in Europe to extend positive support to the three charters of national reunification advanced by Kim Il Sung and formulated by Kim Jong Il.

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