calendar>>September 24. 2015 Juche 104
Workshop for Cultivation of Greenhouse Vegetables Given
Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- A workshop for cultivation of greenhouse vegetables took place at the Pyongyang Agency for Cultural Exchange with Foreign Countries from Sept. 21 to 24 under the co-sponsorship of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and the Polish embassy here.

Present there were officials, researchers and technicians in the field of agricultural science.

There were lectures given by Polish experts in cultivation of greenhouse vegetables.

Dealt with there were scientific and technical issues arising in increasing production of greenhouse vegetables in keeping with the world trend of development.

During the workshop, members of the Polish embassy and Polish experts visited the Jangchon Vegetable Co-op Farm in Sadong District and the Pyongyang Vegetable Science Institute of the Academy of Agricultural Science.

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