calendar>>October 3. 2015 Juche 104
S. Korean Authorities Slammed for Begging for International Cooperation in Campaign against DPRK
Pyongyang, October 3 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities are making desperate efforts to boost cooperation in international pressure upon the DPRK while vociferating about "the north's provocation".

The "meeting of foreign ministers" of the U.S., Japan and south Korea held in New York recently was a criminal confab to label the DPRK a "provocateur" and justify their cooperation in pressurizing it.

It was reported that the above-said meeting discussed "package cooperation proposals" for "deterring provocation" while terming the DPRK's exercise of independent right "violation of resolution" and "provocation" and crying out for tightening "sanctions".

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Saturday says:

The south Korean authorities are trumpeting about "the north's provocation" together with outside forces for aggression, hypocrisy to mislead public opinion at home and abroad.

Obstacles and difficulties are still lying in the way of mending the north-south relations and national reconciliation and unity have not been achieved due to such stupid guys keen on escalating confrontation with the compatriots in the north, backed by foreign forces.

The south Korean authorities are seriously mistaken if they calculate they can infringe upon the sovereignty of the DPRK and attain their criminal aim in league with foreign forces. This is as foolish an act as pricking one's own eyes.

They would be well advised to control their tongues, bearing in mind that their persistent floating of the story about "the north's provocation" would only more saliently reveal their ugly colors as provocateurs and be unable to escape a stern judgment of history.

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