calendar>>October 6. 2015 Juche 104
Foreign Guests Here
Pyongyang, October 6 (KCNA) -- Foreign guests arrived here on Tuesday to participate in celebrations of the 70th founding anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

They included a delegation of the Korean Friendship Association led by Chairman Alejandro Cao de Benos who doubles as chairman of the Spanish preparatory committee for celebrating the 70th founding anniversary of the WPK and the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation, a delegation of the Iceland-DPRK Friendship and Cultural Society led by Secretary General Jon Arni Halldorsson who doubles as chairman of the Icelandic preparatory committee for celebrating the 70th founding anniversary of the WPK and the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation, a Philippine friendship delegation led by lawmaker Luzviminda Ilagan, vice-president of the Philippines Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification in the Korean Peninsula, a Japanese delegation of the Tokyo-Pyongyang Rainbow Bridge led by Seizaburo Ekuchi and Teguh Santosa, secretary general of the Indonesia-Korea Association for Friendship and Cultural Exchange.

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