calendar>>October 9. 2015 Juche 104
1st Enlarged Meeting of Council of Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il Foundation Held
Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) -- The first enlarged meeting of the Council of the Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il Foundation took place here on Thursday.

Present there were Chairman Kim Chang Ryong, Co-Chairman Johnny Hon and Vice-Chairman Keith Bennett of the Council of the Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il Foundation and other members of the council.

It was attended by delegates of the organizations for the study of the Juche idea of different countries and regions as observers.

It stressed the need for the foundation to establish a well-regulated international system and realize the exchange, friendship and cooperation among famous foundations in the world.

It set forth the direction of work to develop the foundation going by the august name of the peerlessly great men into the dignified and prestigious foundation in the world.

It elected members of the council.

A letter to supreme leader Kim Jong Un was adopted at the meeting.

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