calendar>>October 9. 2015 Juche 104
People in DPRK Grateful to WPK Headed by Kim Jong Un
Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) -- The people in the DPRK are now very grateful to the Workers' Party of Korea headed by supreme leader Kim Jong Un which has shown loving care for their life.

On the threshold of the 70th WPK birthday, Kim Jong Un visited the flood-hit Paekhak-dong in Sonbong area of Rason City, which has been rebuilt into a fairy village.

When the Sonbong area in northern part of the country was flooded one month ago, the supreme leader took an immediate step to rehabilitate the area, dispatching servicepersons and personally visited the area under reconstruction.

He also saw to it that TVs, hard glassware, foodstuffs, wadded clothes and even matches and toilet paper were supplied to the flood victims who would soon move into newly-built dwelling houses.

That is why the inhabitants in the flood-hit area of Rason City have expressed heartfelt thanks to Marshal Kim Jong Un, shouting "Long live the Workers' Party of Korea" and hardening their will to work harder for the party and the country.

Such scenes and shout can be witnessed in every corner of the country led by Kim Jong Un who attaches top priority to the promotion of popular masses' wellbeing.

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