calendar>>November 20. 2015 Juche 104 |
Maltreatment of Children Unabated in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 20 (KCNA) -- Cases of maltreatment of children have increased 77 percent over the recent four years, according to Yonhap News of south Korea on Nov. 18. Against this backdrop there occurred another violent case in the "Children's House" in Kimpho City, Kyonggi Province on November 13. An employee of the house harshly treated a one-year old child for the reason that the child continued crying. Its employees were also reported to have tied children to chairs and prevented them from sleeping. Children there suffer from fear and horror such as repressing even urine for fear of extreme violence. South Korean children wither away since their birth amid wide-spread maltreatment which has become prevalent in society under the authorities' unpopular rule. |
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