calendar>>December 1. 2015 Juche 104
Rally for Solidarity with DPRK Held in Venezuela
Pyongyang, December 1 (KCNA) -- A rally for solidarity with the DPRK took place in Venezuela on Nov. 18.

Present there on invitation were personages of the Communist Party of Venezuela, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, the Communist Youth of Venezuela and other youth organizations, the Communist Party of Chile and other political parties and organizations of various countries and other people, the DPRK ambassador to that country and officials of the embassy and the delegation of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League visiting Venezuela.

The international secretary of the Communist Party of Venezuela said that the people of progressive countries of the world including Venezuela extend full support and solidarity to the Korean people in their drive to defend sovereignty against the imperialists and achieve the reunification of the country, and to the DPRK government in its efforts to replace the Armistice Agreement with a peace treaty.

The general secretary of the Communist Youth of Venezuela said the efforts of the Korean people and youths for building socialism against imperialism are an example to the people and youths of Venezuela.

The international secretary of the youth organization of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela stressed he would strive hard to boost support, solidarity and unity among the youths of the two countries in the struggle against their common enemy the U.S. imperialists.

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