calendar>>December 5. 2015 Juche 104
S. Korean Paper Denounces Ruling Forces for Creating Terror-ridden Atmosphere
Pyongyang, December 5 (KCNA) -- The south Korean paper Hangyore carried an editorial on Dec. 1 denouncing the present ruling forces for reviving the terror-ridden atmosphere dating back to the period of "yusin" dictatorship.

The editorial noted:

Pak Song Su, a social activist, has been behind bars for seven months for scattering leaflets critical of the present chief executive.

Last month, more than ten policemen made all sorts of threats against a citizen who displayed literature such as words "daughter of dictator" on the window.

These are crimes violating human rights as they are aimed to gag the people and media by reviving the terror-ridden atmosphere dating back to the period of "yusin" dictatorship.

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