calendar>>January 1. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Important Days Observed Abroad
Pyongyang, January 1 (KCNA) -- There took place a seminar and book and photo exhibition in Bangladesh, an opening ceremony of a book, photo and handicraft exhibition in Bulgaria and a friendship meeting in Mexico on Dec. 22 and 23 last year on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of Marshal Kim Jong Un's assumption of the supreme commandership of the Korean People's Army.

Displayed at the venues of the events were photos showing the exploits of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un.

On display were their works, and books and photos showing Songun Korea and handicrafts associated with the creative talents of the Korean people.

Present there were personages from all walks of life and masses of the relevant countries.

Garib Newaz, president of the Bangladesh People's League, and other speakers said that the idea and cause of the great leaders are being successfully carried forward by Kim Jong Un, adding that thanks to his outstanding and tested leadership the Korean people are sure to win in the confrontation with the imperialists.

Atanas Ivanov, honorary chairman of the Bulgarian Communists Union, noted that the exhibition would make great contribution to strengthening the understanding and cooperation in the field of culture between the peoples of the two countries.

A Mexican parliamentarian and other speakers hoped that the Korean people would achieve bigger success in their struggle for the country's prosperity under the leadership of Kim Jong Un in the New Year, too.

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