calendar>>January 1. 2016 Juche 105
Congratulatory Message to Kim Jong Un from General Association of Koreans in China
Pyongyang, January 1 (KCNA) -- Marshal Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory message from the General Association of Koreans in China Friday on the New Year.

The message extended noble tribute and glory to Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in reflection of loyalty and reverence of all the officials of the association and compatriots and the first greetings of the New Year to Marshal Kim Jong Un, the sun of Songun Korea.

Kim Jong Un is the only supreme leader of the cause of Juche revolution whom all the service personnel of the Korean People's Army and Koreans at home and abroad are holding with sincerity and the sun of the Korean nation whom no one can replace, it said.

We are full of resolution to turn out as one in the patriotic work for prosperity of the country and its independent reunification while keeping our pace with the people in the motherland to greet the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea with labor achievements, true to the leadership of Kim Jong Un, in the hopeful New Year, it noted, adding:

We will regard the Juche-oriented idea for overseas compatriots' movement of the peerlessly great men of Mt. Paektu and the Marshal as guidelines, make the general association more solid overseas compatriots' organization taking the lead in the patriotic movement for national reunification, thoroughly apply Kim Jong Il's patriotism to practice and thus leave clear traces in the drive for prosperity of the country and the building of a thriving socialist nation.

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