calendar>>January 1. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il's Exploits Lauded by Foreign Media
Pyongyang, January 1 (KCNA) -- Foreign media carried special write-ups on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of demise of leader Kim Jong Il last year.

The Dec. 14th-20th issue of the Lao newspaper Heng Ngan carried an article titled "Immortal exploits of Comrade Kim Jong Il" illustrated with the portrait of the smiling leader.

It said the most important exploit performed by him in accomplishing the cause of global independence is that he smashed the imperialists' offensive to stifle the DPRK with his unique Songun politics, firmly defended Korean socialism and ensured the regional peace and security.

The Dec. 14th issue of the Venezuelan newspaper Vea allotted one full page to an article titled "Great nationalist" illustrated with his photo.

It noted Kim Jong Il stood with dignity against the U.S. styling itself the world's "only superpower" when a lot of countries in the world were reading the faces of the imperialists under their power politics, violence and injustice.

The Dec. 17th issue of the Egyptian newspaper Al-Misaiya said in its article titled "Immortal exploits performed in accomplishing the cause of national reunification" that he was the father of the nation and peerless patriot who provided the important guidelines to be grasped by the Korean nation in reunifying the country and dedicated his all to its realization.

The Apsara TV and Radio and F.M. 90.5 Radio of Cambodia aired a video footage on Dec. 14 and 15 praising the exploits of Kim Jong Il who ushered in the new era of independent reunification.

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