calendar>> January 4. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Urges S. Korean Authorities to Roll back Their Policy of Depending on Outsiders
Pyongyang, January 4 (KCNA) -- National independence and By Our Nation Itself are the permanent ways which all Koreans in the north, the south and abroad should follow, says Rodong Sinmun Monday in an article.

Depending on outsiders would never help solve the issue of reunifying the country, the article notes, and goes on:

In order to achieve the reunification of the country and prosperity of the nation, it is necessary to resolutely reject the outsiders that do not wish to see Korea's reunification and are engrossed in all moves obstructive to it, and join efforts with the compatriots.

All Koreans should categorically reject foreign intervention and seek independent settlement of the issues of inter-Korean relations and national reunification in line with the aspirations and wishes of the nation.

The Korean nation is responsible for carving out its own destiny and it is capable of hewing out its fate.

If the south Korean ruling forces refuse to roll back their policy of confrontation with the compatriots in the north in collusion with foreign forces, they will neither be able to shake off the disgrace of being a group of traitors and anti-reunification forces nor escape curse and condemnation by all Koreans.

It is the way of protecting the national dignity and interests to remain true to the idea of By Our Nation Itself, away from the humiliating policy of dependence on outsiders, and seek national cooperation, not the one with the outsiders. The south Korean authorities should bear this in mind.

The sycophants and traitors attach greater importance to the outsiders than to the interests of the nation and are opposed to the national unity and reunification in quest of their interests submissive to them. Koreans will only suffer disasters, much less achieving reunification, as long as the sycophants and traitors are allowed to go at large.

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