calendar>>January 7. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korea's Humiliating "Agreement" with Japan Denounced
Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korean Committee on Measures for the Sexual Slavery for Japanese Army and Drafting Victims in a statement Thursday branded the "negotiations on comfort women" which south Korea claimed to have settled with Japan later last year as unprecedented humiliating negotiations which offered everything to Japan.

There can never be a final solution to the hideous crime related to the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army, crime unprecedented in history, without Japan's state acknowledgement of responsibility from legal point of view and its apology and reparation, the statement said, and went on:

However, the south Korean authorities staged the farce of nullifying the thrice-cursed crime committed by Japan. This is an intolerable insult to not only all the victims of the sexual slavery in the north and the south but to the Korean nation and the international community demanding Japan's responsibility and apology, and a wanton violation of human conscience and justice.

What is all the more infuriating is that the humiliating "agreement" was cooked up at the back-stage manipulation of the U.S. to put forward Japan, which inflicted huge calamities and sacrifice upon the Korean nation and other Asian people, as a shock brigade and hold a hegemonic position in the region.

The recent "agreement" which crafty Japan cooked up by coaxing the south Korean ruling quarters kowtowing to the U.S. with a few pennies of money is null and void and it can never be accepted by anyone.

All facts clearly prove that the south Korean authorities are a group of traitors who would not hesitate acts worse than the "agreement on the comfort women" in a bid to serve their American and Japanese masters.

The south Korean authorities have to clearly understand that their sycophantic act of treachery going against the mindset of the people will only bring a shameful ruin.

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