calendar>>January 9. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un's New Year Address Supported by Foreign Organizations
Pyongyang, January 9 (KCNA) -- Angolan and Austrian organizations released statements in support of the part dealing with the issue of national reunification in the New Year Address made by Marshal Kim Jong Un.

The Committee of Angola for Friendship and Solidarity with Peoples on January 3 said:

HE Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of the Korean people, calling on all the Korean people in the north, in the south and abroad to pool their efforts to usher in a new era of independent reunification, in his New Year Address advanced an important proposal on resolving the issues of inter-Korean relations and national reunification by the efforts of the Koreans in conformity with their independent will and wishes, true to the idea of By Our Nation Itself.

Fully supporting the proposal on national reunification made by him, we express firm solidarity with the Korean people in their struggle for accomplishing the cause of national reunification.

The Solidarity Committee of Unionists for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea in Austria on January 4 noted:

The issue of Korea's reunification should be resolved in an independent and peaceful way in keeping with the will and desire of all Koreans under any circumstances.

The south Korean authorities should take practical measures for dialogue between the north and the south and improvement of the relations and give up the daydream of solving the issue of Korea's reunification with the help of foreign forces.

The U.S. should unconditionally accept the fair and aboveboard proposal of the DPRK for replacing the Armistice Agreement with a peace treaty.

We are firmly convinced that all Koreans will frustrate the challenges and obstructive moves of the anti-reunification forces at home and abroad and surely build a reunified and prosperous country.

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