calendar>>January 9. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Warmongers' North-targeted War Maneuvers Flailed
Pyongyang, January 9 (KCNA) -- The south Korean military forces staged north-targeted war maneuvers in forefront areas and other parts of south Korea on Jan. 1.

What should not be overlooked is that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and the navy chief of staff of the south Korean army and other military brass hats were busy inspecting forefront areas including Paekryong Island and Kyodong Island like hungry wolves and cried out for taking "prompt and resolute counteraction in case of enemy's provocation," a madcap war drumbeating.

Rodong Sinmun Saturday in a commentary says this lays bare the vicious nature of the group of traitors watching for a chance to invade the north together with foreign forces, deadest against national reunification and stirring up hostility towards the compatriots in the north.

These reckless military provocations are an unpardonable challenge to the DPRK's peace-loving efforts, the commentary notes, and goes on:

The U.S. has gone to extremes in its moves for isolating and stifling the DPRK through military threat and blackmail, unprecedented sanctions and "human rights" racket, and the group of traitors toeing its line is getting more vicious in its moves to ignite a war. Such grave situation proved once again how just the DPRK was when it had access to nuclear deterrent for self-defense and bolstered it up in every way to meet the challenges of hostile forces for aggression.

We love peace but will not allow those who go reckless to provoke a war against peace.

The south Korean authorities would be well advised to properly understand the resolute will of the peace champions and stop acting rashly.

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