calendar>>January 9. 2016 Juche 105
Japanese Government's Official Apology and Reparation for Sexual Slavery Demanded by S. Korean Organization
Pyongyang, January 9 (KCNA) -- The Council for the Solution of the Issue of the Volunteers Corps in south Korea sent a letter to the UN on Jan. 6 demanding the Japanese government's official admission of its responsibility and apology for the issue of the sexual slavery.

The letter disclosed that Japan in the "agreement" on the issue of the sexual slavery reached with south Korea did not refer in detail to the crimes and refused to admit that the crimes were the state-sponsored ones committed by the government in an organized manner and made no promise to own a legal responsibility for them.

It said that the proper settlement of the issue of the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army should start from the Japanese government's official and clear admission of its responsibility and apology and it is the principle and common sense to take measures such as its legal reparation, efforts for preventing the repetition of such crime and education in history. It went on:

This being a hard fact, the Japanese foreign minister claimed that the "funds for the establishment of a foundation by the government are not for reparation" and the Japanese prime minister said he would not make an apology for the issue of the sexual slavery no longer. Their remarks clearly go to prove that the recent "agreement" is not the settlement of the issue of the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army.

Japan called for pulling down the "statues of girls for peace" depicting the victims of the sexual slavery erected by the unanimous desire of the victims and civilians and the south Korean regime, taking advantage of the former's demand, promised to exercise self-restraint in criticism and censure in the international arena.

We can never accept the recent "agreement" as it did not reflect the Japanese government's will to implement its state and legal responsibility.

The letter urged the UN to voice support and pay attention to the actions of victims and progressive and civic and public bodies of the world for proper settlement of the issue of sexual slavery.

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