calendar>>January 10. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un's New Year Address Supported by KFA
Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- The Korean Friendship Association headquartered in Spain in its statement on Jan. 5 supported the New Year Address of supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

The statement said:

We fully support the New Year Address of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

To turn the DPRK into an economic power is a primary task for bettering the people's living and is necessary to further consolidate the socialist system based on the Juche idea, the most advantageous and progressive idea.

The reunification of Korea is the cherished desire of all Koreans in the north, south and abroad and requirement of the world progressives.

However, the U.S. imperialists persist in their policy of perpetuating the Korean division.

We are sure that Korea will be reunified under the banner of the three principles for national reunification, June 15 joint declaration and October 4 declaration if the south Korean regime drops its submission to outsiders.

The address reflects the foreign policy of the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government to develop the relations of friendship and cooperation with all countries that respect the sovereignty of the DPRK and are friendly to it.

We will strive to widely introduce the reality in the DPRK and help friends of the world know better about it and develop the friendly relations with it.

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