calendar>>January 10. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Ridicules Impudent Behavior of Japan
Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- The Japanese ambassador to the UN reeled off a litany of balderdash about Japan's role in the UN Security Council at a recent press conference. Referring to the situation in various countries including Syria and Libya, he painted Japan as a main player in settling international issues.

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Sunday notes that Japan seems to be upbeat after getting the nonpermanent membership of the UNSC for two years from this year.

The commentary goes on:

What merits attention is that Japan seeks to use this opportunity for ratcheting up the pressure on the DPRK.

Japan, an aggression force acting at the beck and call of the U.S. to zealously back it in its hostile policy towards the DPRK, is crying out for confrontation with the DPRK inside the UNSC. This is a blatant challenge to the DPRK.

Japan is the sworn enemy of the Korean nation as it brought indescribable misfortune and pain to the Koreans.

The cursed acts Japan has perpetrated against the DPRK for the past several decades are touching off irrepressible resentment against it among the Koreans.

Japan would be well advised to stop impudently finding fault with the other, honestly reflect on its past aggression and crimes and opt for turning over a new leaf.

It will have to drink a bitter cup of setbacks, if it persistently behaves mischievously, toeing the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK.

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