calendar>>January 10. 2016 Juche 105
Hungarian Politician Hails DPRK's Successful H-bomb Test
Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- Gyula Thurmer, chairman of the Hungarian Workers' Party, released a statement on Jan. 8 hailing the DPRK's success in its first H-bomb test.

The chairman said:

The signal success in the H-bomb test marks another event which demonstrated the national power of the DPRK.

This is ascribable to the great exploits President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il performed for the Korean revolution and eye-opening reality of the DPRK which is advancing by leaps and bounds doing ten years' work in just one year thanks to Marshal Kim Jong Un's policy of loving people.

Western countries claim that the DPRK poses a threat to the world with nuclear weapons in violation of the UNSC "resolution".

The success of H-bomb test serves as tremendous deterrent that prevents others from venturing to threaten the DPRK by force of arms.

I send heartfelt congratulations to the Korean people on their laudable success.

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