calendar>>January 11. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Successful H-bomb Test Hailed in Each Province
Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- Joint army-civilian meetings for welcoming Juche Korea's first successful H-bomb test respectively took place in South Hwanghae, Kangwon, North Hamgyong, and South Hamgyong provinces on Monday.

Present there were officials of the local party and power bodies, working people's organizations, factories, enterprisers, farms and universities, service personnel of the Korean People's Army and the Korean People's Internal Security Forces, working people, youths and students.

The statement of the DPRK government was read out and congratulatory speeches were made at the meetings.

Speakers said that January 6, the day of the DPRK's successful H-bomb test, was the day of a great deed in history as great Kim Il Sung's, Kim Jong Il's and Kim Jong Un's Korea demonstrated the dignity of the greatest and strongest great Paektusan nation in the world.

They went on:

The successful H-bomb test brought about an exciting reality in which the whole world looks up to the nuclear power of Juche, socialist Korea and the great Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

The DPRK's access to smaller H-bomb of justice to cope with the moves of the brigandish U.S. to provoke a war of aggression against the inviolable DPRK, while threatening it with nuclear weapons, is the legitimate right of a sovereign state for self-defense and a very just step no one can slander.

The successful first H-bomb test conducted by Juche Korea with indigenous wisdom, unique technology and efforts constitutes the highest tribute and loyalty to President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and reflection of the WPK's unshakable faith and will to steadfastly advance along the unchangeable orbit of independence, Songun and socialism.

The speakers underscored the need to demonstrate the dignity and might of the nuclear power to the world, bearing in mind the national pride and honor of being led by Marshal Kim Jong Un.

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