calendar>>January 13. 2016 Juche 105
"Collection of Kim Il Sung's Anecdotes" Vol. 8 Published
Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- Vol. 8 of "Collection of Kim Il Sung's Anecdotes", a cycle of revolutionary anecdotes, was published in the DPRK.

The four-chapter book contains revolutionary anecdotes telling about how President Kim Il Sung led the work to bring about more successes in the democratic reforms after Korea's liberation and further consolidate the people's power during the days from October, Juche 35 (1946) to June, Juche 36 (1947).

Chapter 29 "The first historic democratic election" includes the anecdotes dealing with the fact that the President led the work to successfully carry out the first democratic election after the liberation.

Chapter 30 "Birth of the first socialist government in Korea" contains the anecdotes "On his visit to Chongjin Railway Factory", "Teaching a key to recovering the revolving furnace on the spot", "Deafening cheers at the meeting place" and others.

Chapter 31 "For consolidating the people's power" deals with the fact that the President took warm care of the servicepersons as their parents would do and wisely led them to get appearance as befitting the regular army.

Chapter 32 "All efforts to fulfilling the first national economic plan!" includes the anecdote "On the day of his visit to Hwanghae Iron Works" and other anecdotes dealing with his leadership.

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