calendar>>January 13. 2016 Juche 105
Art Exhibition Opens
Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- An art exhibition was opened with due ceremony at the Central Youth Hall Wednesday to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League.

Displayed at the venue of the exhibition were art works depicting the revolutionary lives and personalities of the peerlessly great men of Mt. Paektu.

Art works depicting their images including oil painting "The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung proclaiming the formation of the Democratic Youth League of North Korea" show the feats President Kim Il Sung started the revolutionary activities with youth movement and brought up the youth league to be powerful vanguard ranks guided by the original idea of attaching importance to the youth.

Acryl paintings "O Korea, I Will Add Glory to Thee" and "Single-minded Unity" show the personality of leader Kim Jong Il who led the young people to successfully carry out their mission and duty before the era and the revolution.

Displayed there are also those dealing with the young people who performed feats in annals of the revolution and the young vanguard creating the charging spirit and culture of young people of the Songun era.

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