calendar>>January 16. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Supported by Italian Political Party
Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- The Movement for Peace and Socialism of Italy issued a statement on January 7, supporting the DPRK's successful H-bomb test.

The statement titled "The DPRK does not threat any one" said:

Unfortunately, those countries which failed to acquire the capabilities for defending themselves due to the brutal and wicked forces have fallen into distress and many people are undergoing sufferings worldwide in recent years.

Under such situation the DPRK which does not forget the brutal acts perpetrated by the U.S. during the last Korean war conducted a H-bomb test to have access to the deterrent strong enough to cope with the U.S. imperialists' constant threat of nuclear war.

We extend full solidarity to the DPRK which has become a target of the U.S. ever-increasing nuclear weapons and operations of Japan keen on reviving militarism and the south Korean authorities to stifle the DPRK.

Recalling that the U.S. and its followers are running helter-skelter, taken aback by the DPRK's successful H-bomb test, the statement reiterated its full support to the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK.

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