calendar>>January 17. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Premier Makes Field Survey of Coal Mine
Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- DPRK Premier Pak Pong Ju visited the February 8 Jikdong Youth Coal Mine under the Sunchon Area Youth Coal Mining Complex alive with the drive for increased production.

After learning about the mine development, he went round pit No. 6 to learn in detail about mechanization, tunneling and transport capacity.

He met miners who are fulfilling the daily production quota more than 150 percent to congratulate them on their successes and encouraged them to increase coal production, true to the intention of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

He underlined the need to increase coal production, true to the intention of the Workers' Party of Korea on concentrating all our efforts on building an economic giant to bring about a fresh turn in developing the country's economy and improving the people's standard of living.

A consultative meeting there discussed issues of stepping up the general mechanization of the work in pit and putting efforts into coal dressing and other issues of increasing coal production.

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