calendar>>January 17. 2016 Juche 105
Receptions Given to Mark Birthday of Youth League
Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- Receptions were given at the People's Palace of Culture, Okryu Restaurant, Chongryu Restaurant and Pyongyang Noodle House Sunday to celebrate the 70th founding anniversary of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League.

Present there were Choe Ryong Hae, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Kim Yong Jin, vice-premier of the Cabinet, officials concerned and officials of the youth league.

Present there on invitation were delegates to the events for celebrating the 70th founding anniversary of the youth league.

Congratulatory speeches were made there.

Speakers recalled that Marshal Kim Jong Un saw to it that the 70th founding anniversary of the youth league was celebrated with splendor, adding:

He is the benevolent father and great teacher who spares nothing for the youth and no youth in the world are as happy and proud as the Korean youth who are under his warm care,

They called for fully glorifying the honor of reliable reserves, advanced group and wing of the Workers' Party of Korea in the on-going general advance, always keeping in their mind Marshal Kim Jong Un's affection and trust in them.

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