calendar>>January 21. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun on Three Strategies of Attaching Importance to People, Army and Youth
Pyongyang, January 21 (KCNA) --The Workers' Party of Korea remains strong and the Korean revolution is sure to win because it has the great revolutionary idea, strategy and tactics based on its absolute trust and ardent love for the popular masses, says Rodong Sinmun Thursday in a joint article.

It goes on;

The three strategies of attaching importance to the people, the army and youth indicated by the WPK represent the ones making it possible to increase to the maximum the position and role of the working people, the revolutionary army and ranks of youth in the efforts to accomplish the revolutionary cause.

If a party fails to truly believe in the people, army and youth and rely on their strength, it will entail such serious consequences as bringing down their own social system and cradle of their own accord at the prodding of reactionaries, much less playing the role of master of socialism. This is the bitter lesson taught by the history of the world revolutionary movement.

The WPK formulated the above-said three strategies, providing an invincible weapon guaranteeing the victorious advance and accomplishment of the popular masses' cause of independence.

Our party built the powerful socialist bulwark and people's paradise on this land recognized by the world despite all sorts of bitter experience. The three strategies serve as the best weapon of our party for bringing earlier the final victory of the revolution.

The cause of independence, Songun and socialism led by the WPK is sure to triumph thanks to the great people single-mindedly following the party, the invincible revolutionary Paektusan army advancing with the red flags of the WPK as the best colors and the ranks of steel-strong youth capable of winning every battle who always advance straight under the leadership of the party.

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