calendar>>January 22. 2016 Juche 105
Anniversary of Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League Marked in DR Congo
Pyongyang, January 22 (KCNA) -- The National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea of DR Congo posted on its internet website an article titled "70 years shining with idea of attaching importance to youth" on Jan. 17, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League.

The article said:

There unfolded a great history of attaching importance to the youth and loving them in the DPRK under the care of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il who put forward the young people as a driving force of the revolution and brought up them as reliable young vanguard of the Workers' Party of Korea in the whole period of the revolutionary leadership.

The Korean youth movement is greeting a new heyday under the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un who is carrying forward the noble intentions of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

The young Korean people are glorifying the era and working miracles and innovations startling the world people in the revolutionary spirit of Paektu, the spirit of the blizzards of Paektu.

Socialist Korea will more strikingly demonstrate the might of the youth power thanks to the ardent youths, vanguard fighters of the WPK vigorously advancing straight forward under the leadership of Kim Jong Un all times.

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