calendar>>January 22. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Successful H-bomb Test Supported by Brazilian, Austrian Organizations
Pyongyang, January 22 (KCNA) -- The Brazilian and Austrian organizations made public statements on Jan. 12 and 15 in support of the DPRK's first successful H-bomb test.

The Brazilian Committee for Remembering Leader Kim Jong Il said:

By achieving a signal success in its H-bomb test to be specially recorded in history the DPRK proudly joined the advanced nuclear weapons states and the Korean people demonstrated the mettle of the dignified nation possessed of the strongest nuclear deterrent.

We are convinced that the DPRK, a responsible nuclear weapons state, will neither be the first to use nuclear weapons nor transfer relevant means and technology under any circumstances as it had already declared as long as the hostile forces for aggression do not encroach upon its sovereignty.

We wish the Korean people fresh success in their struggle for carrying out the line of simultaneously pushing forward economic construction and the building of nuclear force in the future, too.

The Society for the Promotion of the Relations between Austria and DPRK said:

The DPRK's H-bomb test is a self-defensive measure for smashing the U.S. moves for aggression and war, ensuring the country's security and safeguarding peace in the Korean Peninsula.

The U.S. should surely respond to the DPRK's proposal for concluding a peace treaty and opt for putting an end to the military confrontation in the peninsula which has persisted for several decades.

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