calendar>>January 27. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun on Spirit of Self-Development in DPRK
Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The DPRK has raced against time and made a leap forward, weathering the worst hardships and difficulties. This is entirely possible because it has worked hard, regarding the spirit of self-development as a weapon for winning a sure victory. Rodong Sinmun says this in an article on Wednesday.

It goes on:

The spirit of self-development of which the Korean people feel proud is the Juche-oriented power provided by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

Holding high the banner of the Juche idea, the Korean people made Yanji bomb from scratch with neither state support nor assistance from a regular army to beat down the gangster-like Japanese imperialists and completed the post-war rehabilitation and construction in just a few years, dealing a sledge-hammer blow at the heads of the U.S. imperialists who claimed the DPRK could not stand on its feet from war debris even in a hundred years. They also worked such a miracle as carrying out the historic task of socialist industrialization in a matter of 14 years.

They successfully made the Arduous March, forced march, which might cause others to fall a hundred times and laid down a firm springboard for building a thriving nation. This would be unthinkable without the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea which instilled the spirit of self-development into the people as a mainstay of faith.

The conditions and circumstances of the revolutionary struggle may alter and the old generation may be replaced by a new one as the times and history advance. But the Korean people remain unchanged in their faith and will to build the best and strongest nation on this land under the leadership of the party, holding high the banner of self-development provided by the great leaders.

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