calendar>>January 29. 2016 Juche 105
Korean People's Just Struggle Supported by Myanmar Body
Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The Myanmar preparatory committee for celebrating the Day of the Sun and the Day of the Shining Star (birth anniversaries of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il) will give wide publicity to the exploits of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, the great leaders, and the greatness of Marshal Kim Jong Un and extend support and solidarity to the Korean people in their just struggle for building a thriving nation and reunifying the country.

This is said in a notice on the formation of the above-said committee made public by the Yangon Regional Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Party of Myanmar on January 22.

The notice warmly congratulated the Workers' Party of Korea and the Korean people on significantly greeting the 104th birth anniversary of Kim Il Sung and the 74th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Il.

It said that it was of great significance for the Korean people and the world progressives to significantly celebrate the Day of the Sun and the Day of the Shining Star in 2016 when all the Korean people are making unprecedented successes and miracles in the struggle for building a thriving nation on the threshold of the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea.

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