calendar>>January 30. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il Praised by Russian, Pakistani Media
Pyongyang, January 30 (KCNA) -- Russian and Pakistani media made special write-ups on the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

An article titled "Kim Jong Il, a great master in independent politics" posted on the website of the Eastern Siberian Publishing House in Irkutsk Region, Russia on Jan. 20, accompanied with a portrait of the smiling leader said:

His greatest exploit is that he pursued Songun politics.

He formulated the Songun politics as the main political mode under socialism in the DPRK.

Thanks to his Songun politics the DPRK's military muscle has been remarkably strengthened and it has displayed its might as a military power any formidable enemy dares not to provoke.

He consistently raised independence, peace and friendship as the idea of foreign policy and directed deep attention to building a new independent world. He also conducted energetic external activities for consolidating the global independent forces against imperialism.

The January issue of the Pakistani internet magazine Global Affairs dedicated its two whole pages to an article introducing Kim Jong Il who devoted all his life to the rosy future of the country and people, illustrated with a photo of Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un.

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