calendar>>January 31. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Regime Accused of Joining U.S. Moves for Germ Warfare
Pyongyang, January 31 (KCNA) -- The Bar Association for Democratic Society in south Korea recently made public a document disclosing the fact that the authorities connived at the introduction of germs into south Korea by the U.S. imperialist aggression forces.

The document says that the munitions they introduced on April 26, 2015 included anthrax and pest germs.

Rodong Sinmun says in an article Sunday in this regard:

The south Korean authorities have kept mum about the American master's introduction of germs for six months, while being aware of this fact. This is a heinous crime to realize their ambition to invade the north in collusion with outsiders in utter disregard of the fate of the people.

What matters is that the south Korean puppet regime reveals its sinister intention to join the U.S. in its moves to provoke a germ warfare against the north while describing the American master's attempt at the germ warfare as the one to cope with "threat of biological weapons" by the north and crying out for "expanding cooperation" with the U.S.

The south Korean conservative forces are the traitors without an equal as they are bringing disasters to the nation by zealously joining the U.S. in its moves for the germ warfare, obsessed by their ambition to invade the north.

The Koreans can never feel relieved even a moment as long as the group of traitors is allowed to go at large as it is becoming frantic in its moves to provoke a war against the north while massively introducing nuclear weapons as well as germ weapons.

The group of traitors will be cursed and condemned by all the Koreans and sternly punished by history.

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