calendar>>January 31. 2016 Juche 105
70th Anniversary of UAWK Observed
Pyongyang, January 31 (KCNA) -- The Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea (UAWK) greeted its 70th founding anniversary.

The union is the massive political organization of socialist agricultural workers remaining true to the idea and cause of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the leader.

President Kim Il Sung founded the union on Jan. 31, Juche 35 (1946) on the basis of the shining tradition of building a revolutionary organization of farmers established by him in the period of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle and wisely led the union to successfully carry out the idea and line of the WPK on socialist rural construction in each period and at each stage of the developing revolution.

Leader Kim Jong Il provided important guidelines to bring about a turn in the work of the union and wisely led it to fulfill its mission and duty as an ideological and educational organization, bestowing great loving care and trust on it.

A meeting to mark the anniversary took place at the People's Palace of Culture on Sunday.

Present there were Yang Hyong Sop, Kwak Pom Gi and Ri Chol Man, vice-premier and minister of Agriculture, Ri Il Hwan, department director of the WPK Central Committee, officials concerned, officials of the union and agricultural workers.

A congratulatory message the WPK Central Committee sent to the organizations at all levels and officials and members of the union was read out at the meeting.

The message said that the union has developed into a mass political organization and successfully fulfilled its mission and duty under the wise guidance and meticulous care of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu for the past seven decades.

It said that the organizations at all levels and officials and members of the union have made great achievements in the drive to develop it into militant ranks remaining faithful to the party and the leader and carry out the party's policy of agriculture.

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