calendar>>February 1. 2016 Juche 105
Various Kites Made
Pyongyang, February 1 (KCNA) -- The Branch Academy of Light Industrial Science under the State Academy of Sciences in the DPRK has made various kites.

Typical of them are those with the shapes of stingaree, octopus, fish and butterfly.

When interviewed by KCNA, Pak Son Hui, director of the branch academy, said:

Supreme leader Kim Jong Un has paid deep attention to making different shapes of kites to delight children.

Thanks to his loving care, more than 30 designs were created by the Central Industrial Art Guidance Bureau, the Mansudae Art Studio and Pyongyang University of Fine Arts. And the branch academy developed a new cloth for kite.

The new kites were already sent to the Wonsan orphans' primary and secondary schools.

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