calendar>>February 3. 2016 Juche 105
Japan Accused of Distorting Past Crimes
Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- The Society for Cooperation among Koreans in Germany issued a statement on Feb. 1 to denounce Japan for distorting its past crimes.

The statement accused the Japanese government of still denying the forcible drafting for sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army.

It continued:

The official stand of Japan that "there is no evidence proving the forcible drafting of 'comfort women' for the Imperial Japanese Army" was opened to public on Jan. 31. This shows the real picture of the Japanese government, a barbarian regime.

Never to be erased are historical records and testimonies proving the fact that the Japanese imperialists forcibly drafted even women of Asia and Europe as sexual slaves for the Imperial Japanese Army, seized with the wild dream of the "Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere" in the last century.

Japan is getting frantic in the moves to distort the history-woven with monstrous war crimes and trample down justice, far from making sincere apology and reflection on the bestial war crimes which make even brutes blush. This is another unpardonable criminal act.

The statement demanded Japan admit and apologize to the international community for the forcible drafting for sexual slavery.

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