calendar>>February 3. 2016 Juche 105
"Agreement" on Issue of Sexual Slavery Slammed
Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- The Ansan Headquarters of the South Side Committee for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration issued a statement on Feb. 2 to denounce the "agreement" between Japan and south Korea on the issue of sexual slavery, according to Thongil News, an internet paper of south Korea.

The negotiations ignoring the demand of victims are disturbing in the intention, course, results and all other aspects, the statement said, asserting that lurking behind this is an attempt to fabricate the south Korea-U.S.-Japan triangular military alliance.

The U.S. exercised its influence behind the scene and pressurized south Korea to join the U.S.-led alliance, resulting in producing a humiliating "agreement", it charged.

The triangular military alliance will result in rendering south Korea militarily dependent on the U.S. and escalating military tension in the Korean Peninsula and, furthermore, in Northeast Asia, it said.

This is an act of trampling down the desire of the people for peace and reunification, it noted, adding that the Ansan citizens demand the nullification of the "agreement".

It expressed the will to further the action to nullify the "agreement" by erecting a girl statue in Ansan City, Kyonggi Province, too.

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