calendar>>February 4. 2016 Juche 105
Day of Shining Star Observed in Germany, Nigeria
Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- Events were held in Germany and Nigeria between January 25 and 30 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il (the Day of the Shining Star).

They included meetings of the German Communist Party and the Hannover Group for the Study of the Juche Idea in Germany, a photo and book exhibition at the building of the Niger State Government of Nigeria and film shows at two companies in Nigeria.

Displayed in the venue of the exhibition were books and photos introducing the successes achieved by the Korean army and people.

Films shown included Korean film "Songdowon International Children's Camp".

The chairman of the German Communist Party said that it is one of precious Songun revolutionary exploits performed by Kim Jong Il that he made sure that the Korean People's Army demonstrated its might as the invincible army and creator of the people's happiness with his unique Songun politics.

Speakers including the permanent secretary of the Niger State Government of Nigeria said that through his energetic ideological and theoretical activities Kim Jong Il proved the scientific accuracy of socialism and inevitability of its triumph, firmly defended the destiny of socialism and ushered in a turning phase for building a thriving nation.

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