calendar>>February 5. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il's Feats Lauded by Bulgarian Organization
Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The Bulgaria-Korea Friendship Association published the February issue of its bulletin.

The bulletin in an article titled "The birth anniversary of the great Comrade Kim Jong Il" said that he applied his original Songun politics to all fields at a time when the imperialists were getting more frantic in their moves for undermining Korean socialism by taking advantages of the collapse of socialism in some countries.

Thanks to his leadership, socialism was defended, a turning phase was opened in building a thriving nation and the DPRK could emerge a satellite manufacturer and launcher and nuclear weapons state, the bulletin said.

It noted that thanks to his patriotic bold decision, the north-south summit was held in June, 2000 for the first time in the history of national division, resulting in adopting the June 15 joint declaration, and the October 4 declaration, the programme for implementing it, was published in 2007.

It said that he most successfully solved all matters arising in leading the party, state and army and firmly defended Korean-style socialism despite the U.S.-led imperialist allied forces' persistent pressure and threat.

It carried the full text of the statement issued by the DPRK government as regards the successful first H-bomb test of Juche Korea and introduced successes made by the Korean sportspersons in international games last year.

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