calendar>>February 6. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Compels DPRK to Develop Nuclear Deterrent: Brazilian Organization
Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA) -- The Brazilian Center for the Study of the Juche Idea posted on its website an article on Jan. 20 as regards the DPRK's successful test of its first H-bomb.

The article said that the Korean people were compelled to fight a war and undergo the tragedy of national division owing to the U.S. imperialists' ambition to dominate the world.

It said:

The U.S. bisected the Korean Peninsula and is resorting to the moves for blockading the DPRK.

Have access to the powerful war deterrent such as nuclear weapons is the only way for the Korean people to guarantee their sovereignty and defend the nation.

The DPRK's development of H-bomb will bolster up its war deterrent in every way.

What is interesting is that the DPRK's development of the nuclear weapons does not threaten world peace as was propagandized by the U.S. and West but ensures it.

No sovereignty means no right.

It is just the U.S. which threatens global peace and compels the DPRK to develop the nuclear deterrent.

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