calendar>>February 11. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il Praised by Indonesian Newspapers
Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- Indonesian newspapers on Feb. 2 devoted their one whole page to special write-ups illustrated with the portrait of smiling leader Kim Jong Il and photo of Marshal Kim Jong Un on the occasion of Kim Jong Il's birth anniversary.

International Media said in an article titled "Great leader HE Kim Jong Il":

The soul of the national self-esteem of the Korean people was provided by Kim Jong Il with total dedication.

When many countries failed to talk what they should do, yielding to the high-handed and arbitrary practices of the U.S., he stood against the "only superpower".

He made a ceaseless long journey of Songun for the country and the nation.

He led the country and the people to demonstrate before the world the might of an independent power despite the worst ordeals and difficulties and thus ushered in a new era of building a thriving nation.

He performed great feats in accomplishing the cause of national reunification, the greatest cherished desire of the Korean nation.

He is, indeed, the great patriot.

In an article titled "Blizzards of Paektu" the newspaper said that enthusiasm of study tour of Mt. Paektu is running high in the DPRK, introducing Mt. Paektu, the sacred mountain of the Korean revolution, which is shining with the august names of the great leaders.

International Daily in an article titled "Whole life for future" said Kim Jong Il firmly adhered to the principle of attaching more importance to tomorrow than today, operated everything in a big way and pushed forward it at the highest speed and brought earlier the future and devoted his all to the bright future of the country and its people.

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