calendar>>February 11. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Slams U.S.-Japan Conspiracy over Issue of Tok Islets
Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- The U.S. and Japan are getting evermore cunning and dangerous in their conspiracy over the issue of Tok Islets.

Some days ago, a map showing the areas traveled by the U.S. ambassador recently was posted on the website of his embassy in Seoul. But, Tok Islets were not mentioned and the East Sea of Korea was marked as the "Sea of Japan" on the map.

Timed to coincide with this, Japanese Foreign Minister Kishida said at the Diet that "he would clearly convey Japan's claim to Takeshima, part of its inviolable territory, and persistently react for it", repeating Japan's claim to Tok Islets.

The above-said facts are by no means accidental.

At the end of last year the south Korean and Japanese authorities reached a politically-motivated fraudulent "agreement" to gloss over the history of the heinous sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army under the manipulation of the U.S. In recent days the U.S. is mulling dictating the south Korean authorities to hand over the islets to Japan. This is, indeed, the most unbearable disgrace brought to the nation by the traitors' submission.

It is not the first time that the U.S. stood on the side of Japan over the issue of Tok Islets.

In last March the U.S. Department of State did not mark "Liancourt Rocks," English name of the islets, on a map for tour of south Korea on its website but included it on the map by stealth in face of public criticism.

When looking back on the past, Tok Islets were not included in the territory of Korea in the San Francisco Peace Treaty (the U.S.-Japan peace treaty) in 1951. This was a product of the criminal U.S.-Japan conspiracy from A to Z, but such attempt failed in face of strong protest of the international community.

As seen above, the U.S. has played tricks over the issue of Tok Islets overtly or covertly. The fact that the U.S. recently backed Japan in its scenario to grab Tok Islets through its embassy in Seoul clearly proves that the south Korea-U.S. "alliance" is nothing but showy trinkets.

If one serves and follows foreign forces, one is bound to see the dignity and interests of the nation seriously violated.

The south Korean authorities had made a humiliating concession to Japan in the issue of the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army after yielding to the U.S. and Japanese pressure but they will leave the inviolable territory of the nation to their tender mercy.

This is the result of the sycophancy pursued by the group of traitors.

More than one hundred years ago, the U.S. and Japan concluded the "Katsura-Taft Treaty" on making Korea a colony of Japan at their negotiations. This was the consequences entailed by sycophancy and submission of the rulers of the then Feudal Joson Dynasty at that time.

Collusion with outsiders leads to national ruin.

The south Korean authorities should come to their senses, though belatedly, and stop the acts of bringing more disgrace to the nation through sycophancy and dependence on outsiders.

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