calendar>>February 11. 2016 Juche 105
National Photo Exhibition Opens
Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- A national photo exhibition "The Whole Life for People" was opened with due ceremony at the People's Palace of Culture here on Thursday to celebrate the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

On display there are photos of Kim Jong Il and other photos dealing with his revolutionary history.

"The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il visits Dwarf Pine Post" and other photos showed the personality of the brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu who developed the Korean People's Army into the powerful elite revolutionary army.

"The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il looks round minor hydraulic power stations in Jagang Province" and other photos deal with the efforts of Kim Jong Il who devoted his all to the prosperity of the country and the people's happiness.

There are also photos dealing with the revolutionary obligation of Kim Jong Il who boundlessly respected the revolutionary forerunners and feats he performed in firmly carrying forward the revolutionary cause of Juche and Songun and providing the eternal foundation for the prosperity of the country.

Displayed in the venue of the exhibition are photos showing the personality of Marshal Kim Jong Un as the peerlessly great man.

Also seen there are photos showing the will of service personnel and people to accelerate the final victory in building a thriving nation.

Present at the ceremony were Kim Ki Nam, Yang Hyong Sop and officials concerned.

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