calendar>>February 11. 2016 Juche 105
Week of Film Show Opens
Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- A week of film show was opened with due ceremony at the People's Palace of Culture Thursday on the occasion of the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

It will show such documentary films as "Shining Star of Paektu" and "Shine, Jong Il Peak" dealing with his revolutionary history and feats at cinemas and halls of culture in Pyongyang and local areas.

It will also show such feature films as "A White Gem" and "Airman Kil Yong Jo".

Present at the ceremony were Cha Hui Rim, chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, officials concerned, creators and artistes in the field of film art.

Minister of Culture Pak Chun Nam made an opening address.

At end of the ceremony, the participants enjoyed "Unassuming Heroes in Era of Songun" Part 23 of the documentary film "Care Shown to Make Their Lives Shine".

Week of film show was opened in every province, city (district) and county on the same day.

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