calendar>>February 12. 2016 Juche 105
Federation of Koreans in U.S. Urges Japan to Admit Its Crimes
Pyongyang, February 12 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the Federation of Koreans in the U.S. made public a statement on Feb. 9.

The statement accused the Japanese authorities of shamelessly behaving without an iota of guilty conscience of its past crimes after signing the south Korea-Japan "agreement" on the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army on December 28 last year.

Nevertheless, the Park Geun Hye regime has failed to protest against this, the statement said, and went on:

We cannot recognize the "agreement."

We can never pardon the Park Geun Hye regime's perfidious act of unilaterally agreeing with the Japanese authorities in disregard of the will of the victims and the Korean nation.

The Korean nation will never connive at the Park's regime and the Japanese authorities that rubbed salt in the wounds of the victims of the sexual slavery by making a humiliating "agreement" while failing to properly solve the issue of the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army.

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