calendar>>February 12. 2016 Juche 105
Ice Sculpture Festival Held in DPRK
Samjiyon, February 12 (KCNA) -- The ice sculpture festival celebrating the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il is now under way with splendor in Samjiyon County, Ryanggang Province.

Soldiers of the brigade of the Ministry of People's Security of the Construction Shock Brigade 618 displayed more than 1 000 ice sculptures at the festival on several themes including "As the Eternal Sun of Paektu" and "Our Brilliant National Heritage".

Huge ice sculpture "Best Wishes", which depicts Kim Jong Il's birthplace in the Paektusan Secret Camp and Jong Il Peak illustrated with a portrait of the smiling leader, reflects the loyalty of the Korean service personnel and people to him.

Also on display are ice sculptures which depict earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 soaring toward the sky, Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station, underground train, light plane and Combined Service Boat Mujigae.

There are also ice sculptures depicting precious cultural heritages of the Korean nation such as pipha-shaped dagger, Chomsongdae and Koryo celadon and others showing snow cave, ice crystal bridge, ice festival lantern, ice tiger, etc.

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