calendar>>February 12. 2016 Juche 105
New Posters Produced
Pyongyang, February 12 (KCNA) -- New posters were produced to inspire the service personnel and people of the DPRK to the struggle for thoroughly carrying out the important tasks set forth by Marshal Kim Jong Un in his New Year Address.

Among them is a poster "Let us usher in a golden age in building a thriving nation in this year when the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea is to be held!" depicting the portraits of smiling President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and a poster "The socialist cause of Juche is invincible and only victory and glory are in store for us!" The posters call upon all people to turn out as one in the drive for building a thriving socialist nation under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, bearing deep in mind the behests of the great leaders.

Some posters reflect the idea of thoroughly implementing the plan and intention of the party on effecting a new turn in economic development of the country and the improvement of the people's living standard by directing all efforts to building an economic giant.

Other posters reflect the Party's intention to consolidate the politico-ideological position of socialism rock-solid, bolster up the country's defence capability and step up the building of a highly civilized socialist nation.

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