calendar>>February 13. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il Praised by Pyongyang Mission Chief of AINDF
Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- Jo Il Min, chief of the Pyongyang mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front (AINDF), was interviewed by KCNA on Saturday on the occasion of the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

The revolutionary career of Kim Jong Il, who was born as the shining star over Mt. Paektu amid the blessings of the times and Koreans and performed the great exploits unprecedented in history, was the sacred one characterized by his love for the country, nation and people, Jo said, adding:

Taking to his heart more than anyone else the misfortune and pain suffered by Koreans due to national division, he devoted his all to building a prosperous reunified country.

Human history knows many great men and every country has its own leader but there is no such a peerless patriot as Kim Jong Il who dedicated himself to the country and nation.

Unshakable are the faith and will of the vanguard fighters and patriotic people in south Korea to devote themselves to the reunification of the country with ardent yearning for him.

Marshal Kim Jong Un is now leading the cause of reunification out of patriotism with his firm will to implement the behests of the peerlessly great men for national reunification.

We will strive hard to make 2016 a year of ushering in a new era of independent reunification, holding Kim Jong Un in high esteem as the lodestar of national reunification.

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